Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 Preview 6: Hello VS Code & VS for Mac
Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 Preview 6: Hello VS Code & VS for Mac
- .NET MAUI is now available in .NET 8 Preview 6.
- Resolves 23 high-impact issues and introduces Native AOT for iOS.
- .NET MAUI is now available in Visual Studio Code.
- Visual Studio for Mac now supports .NET MAUI.
- A new .NET 7 Service Release is also available.
What's fixed and improved in .NET MAUI
- Issues with fonts, navigation, tabs, and file picker have been addressed.
- Memory management has been improved.
- App sizes for iOS have been reduced by 30-40%.
Contributors and release notes
- 25 contributors, including 5 new contributors, helped make this release.
- The full list of fixes can be found in the release notes.
Introducing VS Code (Preview)
- The .NET MAUI extension for Visual Studio Code has been released.
- Provides a consistent development experience across Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Updating Visual Studio
- Visual Studio 2022 on Windows now includes .NET 8 previews and the .NET MAUI preview workload.
- Visual Studio for Mac now supports .NET 8 after enabling the preview feature.
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