Microsoft Dev Blogs

Azure Quantum Integrated Hybrid unlocks algorithmic primitives

  • Azure Quantum Integrated Hybrid allows for the integration of classical and quantum computing, enabling the implementation of hybrid quantum algorithms.
  • Stable logical qubits and error correction are essential for maintaining the stability of the quantum computer and combating noise processes.
  • Hybrid quantum algorithms in Azure Quantum can mix classical and quantum code together, offering seamless integration of both compute types.
  • The use of Recursive Unfolding Subroutines (RUS) protocols enables the implementation of complex target operations in a speculative manner.
  • RUS circuits require real-time feedback and control, as the success of the circuit depends on measurement outcomes.
  • QIR (Quantum Intermediate Representation) allows for the representation of both quantum and classical logic in a flexible manner.
  • The H1-Series quantum computer in Quantinuum leverages QIR, enabling the execution of hybrid classical/quantum programs.
  • The application of the Q# to QIR compiler to a Q# implementation of the RUS protocol as a for loop shows the best performance.
  • Enterprises can accelerate scientific discovery with Azure Quantum Elements, combining HPC, AI, and quantum computing for computational chemistry and materials science.