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How to design input steppers with Figma

  1. Introduction: Stepper inputs are small buttons used to pick a number, commonly seen in websites and apps. They provide a convenient way to select a quantity or value.

  2. Designing the basic structure: Start by creating a frame in Figma for your stepper input. Then, design the icons for the "up" and "down" buttons, either manually or using a plugin like Iconify. Adjust spacing as needed.

  3. Implementing conditional logic: You can set rules for your stepper input to control its behavior. Create a number variable and associate it with the number part of your design. Use the plus icon to add to the variable and the minus icon to subtract from it.

  4. Handling boundaries: To prevent the number from going below a certain value, use conditional prototyping. Set a rule that allows the minus button to work only when the number is greater than a specific threshold.

  5. Showcasing interaction: Link your stepper input to different screens in your prototype to demonstrate how it interacts with other elements of the user interface. Make adjustments as necessary to create a seamless user experience.

  6. Examples: Websites like Expedia and Kayak effectively utilize stepper inputs to improve user experience in tasks such as adjusting travel details or selecting quantities.

By following these steps, you can easily design and implement stepper inputs in Figma, enhancing the user experience and making number selection more intuitive.