Introducing the new Google Pay button view on Android


#Introduction Google Pay has introduced a new button view on Android with updated customization capabilities to make it more consistent with your checkout experience.

#New Look and Enhanced Customization Google Pay has given the button a fresh new look, applying the latest Material 3 design principles. In addition, new customization capabilities let you adjust the button shape and corner roundness to create more consistent checkout experiences.

#New Button View for Android Google Pay has introduced a new button view for Android, making integration simpler. The button can be configured in a more familiar way and added directly to your XML layout. You can also configure the button programmatically.

#Additional Context for Customers with Cards’ Last 4 Digits The new button view for Android lets you show users additional information about the last card they used to complete a payment with Google Pay.

#Next Steps Check out the updated documentation to start using the new Google Pay button view on Android and explore sample open source application in Github.