Refactor your code with C# collection expressions


Refactor your code with C# collection expressions

Collection Initializers

  • Different ways to initialize an array of integers are functionally equivalent with the compiler generating identical code.
  • You must declare the type because a collection expression doesn't have a natural type.

Collection Expression Variations

  • Empty collection expression: new int[] { }
  • Single element collection: new int[] { 42 }
  • Spread element to include elements of another collection: new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }

Supported Collection Types

  • Collection expressions can be used with various target types.

Refactoring Scenarios

  • Initializing empty collections that declare non-nullable collection types.
  • Using spread element syntax for concatenating collections.


Collection expressions in C# provide a consistent and efficient way to initialize collections regardless of their target type. They support various collection types and can be used in different scenarios for refactoring code.