Running Flutter on Raspberry Pi 4

Running Flutter on Raspberry Pi 4
In this article, the author discusses their experience with running Flutter on a Raspberry Pi 4. They suggest that Flutter could be a useful option for IoT devices with user interfaces, as it allows developers to target multiple platforms. The author tried three different options to run Flutter: running it as a window application on Raspberry OS 64-bit, running it as a window application on Ubuntu 22 64-bit, and embedding it on Raspberry OS 64-bit. They found that all three options were pretty smooth thanks to the established Raspberry Pi ecosystem. However, they note that Flutter may not be as fast as Google portrays it, at least on Linux. Overclocking the Pi4 by 10% increased performance back to 5-7 fps. The author concludes that using Flutter for SBCs could be a significant advantage for finding developers and creating cross-platform mobile apps.