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Using Rust GATs to improve code and application performance

  • Getting started with Rust generic associated types: Rust traits can have associated types, and with generic associated types (GATs), the associated type can have generic parameters.
  • When to use GATs in Rust: GATs are useful when you need to express complex relationships between types and lifetimes in Rust programs.
  • Exploring use cases for GATs in Rust programs: GATs can be used to avoid unnecessary allocations, enable more efficient code generation, and improve the ergonomics of your code.
  • Avoiding unnecessary allocations: GATs can be used to define traits that avoid unnecessary memory allocations by reusing memory for iterated elements.
  • Enabling more efficient code generation: By using GATs, you can define generic data structures that generate more efficient code for various tree data structures.
  • Improving the ergonomics of your code: GATs can improve code ergonomics by allowing for more flexibility in defining types and simplifying complex relationships between types and lifetimes.